[MHN 주현준] 일본 거물급 코미디언 시무라 켄이 코로나19 감염 증세로 결국 숨을 거뒀다. 일본 매체들은 30일 시무라 켄의 사망 소식을 전했다. 보도에 따르면 시무라 켄은 29일 오후 11시 코로나19 바이러스에 의한 폐렴 증세로 사망했다. 향년 70세이다.

This picture taken on September 15, 2016 shows Japanese comedian Ken Shimura performing in Tokyo. - It was announced on March 30, 2020 that Shimura, one of Japanapos;s most famous comedians, has died of complications from the COVID-19 coronavirus, shocking the country. (Photo by STR / JIJI PRESS / AFP) / Japan OUT/ 연합뉴스
This picture taken on June 3, 2014 shows Japanese comedian Ken Shimura in Tokyo. - It was announced on March 30, 2020 that Shimura, one of Japanapos;s most famous comedians, has died of complications from the COVID-19 coronavirus, shocking the country. (Photo by STR / JIJI PRESS / AFP) / Japan OUT/ 연합뉴스



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